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Feel free to get in touch with me

Pooneh Jafarinejad

1971, Tehran


  • MA in Painting, College of Arts, Azad University, 1998 Tehran, Iran.
  • BA in Painting, College of Arts, Azad University, 1995 Tehran, Iran.
  • BA in Fashion and textile design, College of Arts, Al-Zahra University, 1996 Tehran, Iran.


  • Organizing the first International Painting Symposium in Tehran, summer 2007 for Imam Ali
    Museum of Arts, Tehran, Iran.
  • Pooneh Art Gallery, Founder.
  • Houman Charity Institute, Founder and General Manager.

Pooneh Jafarinejad is an internationally recognized Iranian artist. Pooneh’s paintings have fascinated art collectors and they followed her development as an engaged Iranian women painter.
In her earlier works, Pooneh was drawn between a predominantly abstract art form of combining colors and shapes to comply with the constraints of official art in Iran and her wish to express her femininity in painting the women’s body, although still maintaining an abstract formality.

 Pooneh Jafarinejad is an internationally recognized Iranian artist. Pooneh’s paintings have fascinated art collectors and they followed her development as an engaged Iranian women painter. In her earlier works, Pooneh was drawn between a predominantly abstract art form of combining colors and shapes to comply with the constraints of official art in Iran and her wish to express her femininity in painting the women’s body, although still maintaining an abstract formality. Pooneh experienced a personal liberation of this conflict during one of her exhibitions when the show was actually forced to close and was in a report on banned artists in “Vogue Magazine” almost as a contradiction, Pooneh decided to free herself from her fears and to pursue unconstrained expression of her inner feelings. Subsequently she exhibited these works in private but also in galleries. Pooneh also profited from attending many painting workshops and symposiums around Europe together with a range of international artists. Her success in Iran and abroad confirmed to her that she pursuing the right approach. Pooneh is a sensitive artist with a strong intuition. She listens herself and tries to express her feelings in the appropriate from without trying to compromise herself. She has a strong will to succeed and to break out, sort of exploring the boundaries of art in Iran, but maintaining always a positive outlook. One finds rarely expression of women’s suppression or the darker sides of daily life in her works which could easily dominate an artist’s expression. To the contrary, Pooneh is moving towards tranquility in her works expressed in warm colors. Her paintings, mainly acrylic, show a deliberate transparency edging towards mysticism. Recurring themes are a women’s body or flowing hair, flowers combined with formal color shapes. Circular or semicircular shapes have moved from depicting confinement to openness. It is important to Pooneh that her paintings are not only meant as a sort of decorative art but lead the viewer to a dialogue with the artist. From time to time she breathes a diverse atmosphere, to confront a different culture and to experiment with unusual forms of expression.